Monday, 27 January 2020

You'll never sleep again

Have you ever, woken up to the horror of being temporarily paralysed and unable to shout for help?

I should say that in my own experiences, I can't move any part of my body without a great deal of effort, other than my eyes, and also can't speak.

If I persevere long enough, I can eventually move something, which leads to rest of my body 'waking up', so to speak.

But I have to keep moving or run the risk of it washing back over me, and it's difficult because it's a comfortable feeling that's hard to resist. Almost like you're slipping back into a great sleep but as you give in to it, the terror builds, as does the paralysis.

Is this an experience you can relate to? If so, have you ever been given a satisfactory explanation as to what it is?

I've been given around three different medical diagnoses of what doctors think:

One is Epilepsy (which I don't have).

The second diagnosis was something called Night Terrors; given without much of an explanation as to what this is, or of why it's happening, at least nothing that seems to correlate to myself.

And the other is called Sleep Paralysis

On being given the third diagnosis, I felt that doctors were just guessing.

Can any readers cast some light on this?


  1. When we sleep, our so-called 'astral body' (some call it 'spirit') leaves our body, which is in this material world, and slips into 'another dimension'. What happens there, overruns our human mind. Maybe we get in contact with other spirits ?

  2. We can't change this world, we can only change our consciousness....

  3. I have had this at different seasons in life and it can be quite terrifying. Some call it being visited by the devil, in my expierences however i seen no entities, however the feeling of screaming while your body is paralyzed and cant move is unforgettable. It happens as one passes from conscious to sleep, your body is tired and in rest mode, but your mind is still active. The third pic on bottom from above isbest descriptive of it, screaming harder and harder until your body "catches" and you regain control- as a former addict, my choice was amphametines, and after being up a couple days and nights the body NEEDS rest even you dont know it. I decided to try melatonin to get to sleep- i had that paralysis episode 5 or more times before i finally got to sleep. Its not a pleasant expierence, for me it was another reason to remain clean-
    And now i stay clean ;)

  4. So im not the only one with these experiences :) One time, my body was falling in sleep, but my mind was consciousness. I heard very loud noises, as if many large pieces of metal had fallen from a great height, and what I felt.....I can't describe it even if I try :)
